Bill Hankley

Professor Emeritus
Dept. of Computing and Information Science
Kansas State University

The beginning of wisdom  .....   and joy.

Bill Hankley joined the department in fall 1972,  partly under recommendation from Prof. Bill Viavant at the University of Utah
and partly from the warm relationship of members of the department.  Initially, he was active in the graduate program, including teaching courses in Kansas City, Wichita, Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, ATT Summer program, and distance education courses first with video tapes and then with on-line materials.  He directed seven PhD students and many master's students.  He was instrumental (with Profs Wallentine and Gustafson) in starting the Master of Software Engineering Program with the MSE portfolio requirement.  He then started and had great joy in the CIS 501 Software Architecture and Design course.  He retired in 2007.


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